Root of all good

2 min readAug 9, 2024


The root of all the good you have done is because you have imaan in your heart. So don’t attribute any of that good independently to yourself.

The likes of imam Abu Yusuf and imam muhammed shaybani who had recorded imam Abu hanifas works for us. The likes of imam al ghazali who wrote major works across all 4 madhabs, in aqidah and combined fiqh tasawuff and aqida in ihya ‘uloom din.

Those who reject giants like Abu hanifa, imam shaybani, imam Abu yusuf, al ghazali, khwaja moinuddin chisthi, we reject them. Why? Because they don’t thank the people of Allah. “He has NOT thanked Allah who has not thanked people” sunan Abu dawood.

When you recite attahiyat in your prayer what do you say? Asalamu alaina wa ala ibaadilaahis saliheen, you send salaam upon the righteous. Atahiyaat itself was a conversation between Allah and prophet ﷺ and in the presence of Allah our prophet ﷺ sent salaam upon all the righteous. everyone who is righteous is only righteous through our prophet ﷺ and our prophet ﷺ themselves sent salaam upon the righteous.

So those that can stand on a pulpit and never mention the righteous, the great imams, the great revivers, those who disrespect them. A beard, thobe, title, a few YouTube hits and talking with a smile is not a pre requisite for being worthy of taking knowledge from.

Having the correct beliefs about Allah and prophet ﷺ loving the ahlul bayt and sahaba, respecting the great revivers of our deen. Having a chain of transmission going back to rasoolallah ﷺ and teachers who have this chain is the prerequisite.

When you take knowledge from real scholars your mind body and soul will become nourished, balanced and begin to flourish. Your heart resembles the company it keeps. So you won’t even have to say or do much to those around you, your haal (state) will affect them.



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